heimann jim heller steven 20th century alcohol

Heimann Jim, Heller Steven 20th Century Alcohol & Tobacco Ads

Heimann Jim, Heller Steven 20th Century Alcohol & Tobacco Ads heimann jim heller steven 20th century alcohol

Selling the most delicious vices Vices or virtues: drinking and smoking provided marketers with products to be forged into visual feasts. In this lush compendium of advertisements, we explore how depictions of these commodities spanned from the elegant to the offbeat, revealing how manufacturers prodded their customers throughout the 20th century to imbibe and inhale. Each era's alcohol and tobacco trends are exuberantly captured page after page, with brand images woven into American popular culture so effectively that almost anyone could identify such icons as the Marlboro Man or Spuds MacKenzie, figures so familiar they could appear in ads without the product itself. Other advertisers devised clever and subliminal approaches to selling their wares, as the wildly successful Absolut campaign confirmed. Even doctors contributed to a perverse version of propaganda, testifying that smoking could calm your nerves and soothe your throat, while hailing liquor as an elixir capable of bringing social success. Whether you savor these visual delights, or enjoy inhaling and wallowing in forbidden pleasures, you will certainly be thrilled by this exploration of a decidedly vibrant-and sometimes controversial-chapter of advertising history.

4546 Руб.

Heimann Jim 20th-Century Fashion

Heimann Jim 20th-Century Fashion heimann jim heller steven 20th century alcohol

The story of modern fashion from couture to mass market The 20th century saw fashion evolve from an exclusive Parisian salon business catering for the wealthy elite into a global industry employing millions, with new trends whisked into stores before the last model has even left the catwalk. Along the way, the signature silhouettes of each era evolved beyond recognition. For women, House of Worth crinolines gave way to Vionnet’s bias-cut gowns, Dior’s New Look to Quant’s Chelsea Look, Halston’s white suit to Frankie B.’s low-rise jeans. In menswear, ready-made suits signaled the demise of bespoke tailoring, long before Hawaiian shirts or skinny jeans entered the game. 20th-Century Fashion offers a retrospective of the last hundred years of style via 400 fashion advertisements from the Jim Heimann Collection. The images trace not only the changing trends but also the evolution in their marketing and audience, as fashion was adopted into popular culture and the mass market, decade by decade. An in-depth introduction and illustrated timeline detail the style-makers and trendsetters, and how historic events, design houses, retailers, films, magazines, and celebrities shaped the way we dressed—then and now.

2941 Руб.

Steven Heller. 20th Century Alcohol & Tobacco Ads. 40th Ed.

Steven Heller. 20th Century Alcohol & Tobacco Ads. 40th Ed. heimann jim heller steven 20th century alcohol
Бренд: Республика

Пороки или добродетели: выпивка и курение предоставили маркетологам продукты, которые можно превратить в визуальные пиршества. В этом пышном сборнике рекламных объявлений мы исследуем, как изображения этих товаров варьировались от элегантных до необычных, показывая, как производители подталкивали своих клиентов на протяжении 20-го века впитывать и вдыхать. Алкогольные и табачные тенденции каждой эпохи с избытком запечатлены страница за страницей, а образы брендов вплетены в американскую популярную культуру настолько эффективно, что почти каждый может узнать таких икон, как Marlboro Man или Spuds MacKenzie, фигуры настолько знакомые, что они могут появляться в рекламе без самого продукта.Другие рекламодатели придумывали умные и подсознательные подходы к продаже своих товаров, что подтвердила чрезвычайно успешная кампания Absolut. Даже врачи внесли свою лепту в извращенную версию пропаганды, засвидетельствовав, что курение успокаивает нервы и успокоит горло, в то же время превознося алкоголь как эликсир, способный принести социальный успех. Наслаждаетесь ли вы этими визуальными удовольствиями или любите вдыхать и погрязать в запретных удовольствиях, вы, безусловно, будете в восторге от этого исследования явно яркой — а иногда и противоречивой — главы в истории рекламы.Vices or virtues: drinking and smoking provided marketers with products to be forged into visual feasts. In this lush compendium of advertisements, we explore how depictions of these commodities spanned from the elegant to the offbeat, revealing how manufacturers prodded their customers throughout the 20th century to imbibe and inhale. Each era’s alcohol and tobacco trends are exuberantly captured page after page, with brand images woven into American popular culture so effectively that almost anyone could identify such icons as the Marlboro Man or Spuds MacKenzie, figures so familiar they could appear in ads without the product itself. Other advertisers devised clever and subliminal approaches to selling their wares, as the wildly successful Absolut campaign confirmed. Even doctors contributed to a perverse version of propaganda, testifying that smoking could calm your nerves and soothe your throat, while hailing liquor as an elixir capable of bringing social success. Whether you savor these visual delights, or enjoy inhaling and wallowing in forbidden pleasures, you will certainly be thrilled by this exploration of a decidedly vibrant—and sometimes controversial—chapter of advertising history.

3500 Руб.

Heimann Jim, Patton Philip Classic cars 20th Century

Heimann Jim, Patton Philip Classic cars 20th Century heimann jim heller steven 20th century alcohol

Henry Ford jump-started the age of the automobile with the first assembly-line car in 1908: the Model T. Over the next century the automobile evolved from chugging workhorse to tailfin-era showboat to sleek status symbol, complete with sleek hood ornament. Initially a novelty item, the car grew into a necessity of the modern age, and a vector of freedom on the open road. 20th Century Classic Cars offers a lush visual history of the automobile, decade-by-decade, via 400-plus print advertisements from the Jim Heimann Collection. Using imagery culled from a century of auto advertising, this book traces the evolution of the auto from horseless carriage to rocket on wheels-and beyond. With an introduction and chapter text by New York Times automotive writer Phil Patton, as well as an illustrated timeline, this volume highlights the technological innovations, major manufacturers and dealers, historical events, and influence of popular culture on car design. Here are car trends as reflection of the zeitgeist, from the thrifty VW Beetle to the lumbering, gas-guzzling Hummer. Time-travel through the Automobile Age, with a collection that puts you in the driver's seat. About the editor: Cultural anthropologist and graphic design historian Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America, and author of numerous books on architecture, pop culture, and the history of the West Coast, Los Angeles and Hollywood. His unrivaled private collection of ephemera has featured in museum exhibitions around the world and dozens of books. About the author: Phil Patton writes about car design for The New York Times, and is a contributing editor to ID magazine. He was a consultant for Curves of Steel: Streamlined Automobile Design at the Phoenix Art Museum, and Different Roads: Automobiles for the Next Century at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.

3036 Руб.

Heimann Jim, Patton Phil 20th Century Classic Cars

Heimann Jim, Patton Phil 20th Century Classic Cars heimann jim heller steven 20th century alcohol

From the Model T and DB5 to the VW Beetle and the Hummer Time-travel through the Automobile Age with a collection that puts you in the driver's seat. 20th Century Classic Cars offers a lush visual history of the automobile, decade by decade, via 400-plus print advertisements from the Jim Heimann Collection. Using imagery culled from a century of auto advertising, this book traces the evolution of the auto from horseless carriage to rocket on wheels-and beyond. With an introduction and chapter text by former New York Times automotive writer Phil Patton, as well as an illustrated timeline, this volume highlights the technological innovations, major manufacturers and dealers, historical events, and influence of popular culture on car design.

5049 Руб.

Jim Heimann. 20th-Century Fashion, 100 Years of Apparel Ads

Jim Heimann. 20th-Century Fashion, 100 Years of Apparel Ads heimann jim heller steven 20th century alcohol
Бренд: Республика

То, как мы носили: история современной моды от кутюр до массового рынка. В 20-м веке мода превратилась из эксклюзивного парижского салонного бизнеса, обслуживающего богатую элиту, в глобальную индустрию, в которой работают миллионы, с новыми тенденциями, ворвавшимися в магазины до того, как последняя модель покинул подиум. Попутно характерные силуэты каждой эпохи эволюционировали до неузнаваемости. Что касается женщин, то кринолины Дома Уорт уступили место косым платьям Вионне, New Look от Dior — образу Chelsea Look, белый костюм Halston — джинсам с низкой посадкой Frankie B. В мужской одежде готовые костюмы сигнализировали об упадке индивидуального пошива задолго до того, как на передний план вышли гавайские рубашки или узкие джинсы.«Мода 20-го века» предлагает ретроспективу последних столетий стиля с помощью 400 модных рекламных объявлений из коллекции Джима Хейманна. На изображениях прослеживаются не только меняющиеся тенденции, но и эволюция их маркетинга и аудитории по мере того, как мода десятилетие за десятилетием внедрялась в популярную культуру и массовый рынок. Подробное введение и иллюстрированная временная шкала подробно рассказывают о создателях стиля и законодателях моды, а также о том, как исторические события, дизайнерские дома, розничные продавцы, фильмы, журналы и знаменитости повлияли на то, как мы одевались тогда и сейчас.The way we wore: The story of modern fashion from couture to mass market The 20th century saw fashion evolve from an exclusive Parisian salon business catering to a wealthy elite into a global industry employing millions, with new trends whisked into stores before the last model has left the catwalk. Along the way, the signature silhouettes of each era evolved beyond recognition. For women, House of Worthcrinolines gave way to Vionnet s bias-cut gowns, Dior s New Look toQuant s Chelsea Look, Halston s white suit toFrankie B. s low-rise jeans. In menswear, ready-made suits signaled the demise of bespoke tailoring, long before Hawaiian shirts or skinny jeans entered the fore.20th-Century Fashionoffers a retrospective of the last hundred years of style via400 fashion advertisementsfrom the Jim Heimann Collection. Theimages trace not only the changing trends but also the evolution in their marketing and audience, as fashion was adopted into popular culture and the mass market, decade by decade. An in-depth introduction and illustrated time line detail the style-makers and trendsetters and how the historic events, design houses, retailers, films, magazines, and celebrities shaped the way we dressed then and now.

2750 Руб.

Jim Heimann. 20th Century Classic Cars. 100 Years of Automotive Ads

Jim Heimann. 20th Century Classic Cars. 100 Years of Automotive Ads heimann jim heller steven 20th century alcohol
Бренд: Республика

20TH CENTURY CLASSIC CARS offers a lush visual history of the automobile, decade by decade, via 400-plus print advertisements from the Jim Heimann Collection. Using imagery culled from a century of auto advertising, this book traces the evolution of the auto from horseless carriage to rocket on wheels - and beyond. With an introduction and chapter text by New York Times automotive writer Phil Patton, as well as an illustrated timeline, this volume highlights the technological innovations, major manufacturers and dealers, historical events, and influence of popular culture on car design. Time-travel through the Automobile Age, with a collection that puts you in the driver's seat.

2750 Руб.

Jim Heimann. 20th Century Classic Cars. 100 Years of Automotive Ads

Jim Heimann. 20th Century Classic Cars. 100 Years of Automotive Ads heimann jim heller steven 20th century alcohol
Бренд: Taschen

20TH CENTURY CLASSIC CARS offers a lush visual history of the automobile, decade by decade, via 400-plus print advertisements from the Jim Heimann Collection. Using imagery culled from a century of auto advertising, this book traces the evolution of the auto from horseless carriage to rocket on wheels - and beyond. With an introduction and chapter text by New York Times automotive writer Phil Patton, as well as an illustrated timeline, this volume highlights the technological innovations, major manufacturers and dealers, historical events, and influence of popular culture on car design. Time-travel through the Automobile Age, with a collection that puts you in the driver's seat.

2999 Руб.

Паттон Ф. 20th Century Classic Cars

Паттон Ф. 20th Century Classic Cars heimann jim heller steven 20th century alcohol

Time-travel through the Automobile Age with a collection that puts you in the driver’s seat. 20th Century Classic Cars offers a lush visual history of the automobile, decade by decade, via 400-plus print advertisements from the Jim Heimann Collection.Using imagery culled from a century of auto advertising, this book traces the evolution of the auto from horseless carriage to rocket on wheels—and beyond. With an introduction and chapter text by New York Times automotive writer Phil Patton, as well as an illustrated timeline, this volume highlights the technological innovations, major manufacturers and dealers, historical events, and influence of popular culture on car design.

2677 Руб.

Паттон Ф. 20th Century Classic Cars

Паттон Ф. 20th Century Classic Cars heimann jim heller steven 20th century alcohol

Time-travel through the Automobile Age with a collection that puts you in the driver’s seat. 20th Century Classic Cars offers a lush visual history of the automobile, decade by decade, via 400-plus print advertisements from the Jim Heimann Collection.Using imagery culled from a century of auto advertising, this book traces the evolution of the auto from horseless carriage to rocket on wheels—and beyond. With an introduction and chapter text by New York Times automotive writer Phil Patton, as well as an illustrated timeline, this volume highlights the technological innovations, major manufacturers and dealers, historical events, and influence of popular culture on car design.

2677 Руб.

Heller Steven All American Ads 1900-1919

Heller Steven All American Ads 1900-1919 heimann jim heller steven 20th century alcohol

The dawn of consumerism: when ads were works of art A far cry from the aggressive ads we`ve become used to, American print advertisements from the first two decades of the 20th century were almost shockingly pleasant. Intricately designed and beautifully illustrated, often in the art nouveau style popular at the time, four-color, full-page magazine advertisements were welcome respites from the bland, text-filled pages among which they appeared. Sales pitches were earnest and friendly; beer, for example, was billed as "The Evening Glass of Cheer" and toothpaste was described as "Delicious Ribbon Dental Cream"-perhaps not the catchiest slogans, but they were on to something. The American consumerist boom of the 20th century was just beginning and advertising was getting its sea legs. From motorcars to hair tonics to steamship cruises to Coca-Cola ("After the theatre drink a glass… it relieves fatigue"), America was peddling its wares in style and setting an example of how to advertise in the modern age. This exhaustive compendium of ads from the period-many of which haven`t been seen for over eight decades-is a fascinating reminder of surprisingly simpler times and a rediscovery of a forgotten age in advertising history. About the editor: Cultural anthropologist and graphic design historian Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America, and author of numerous books on architecture, pop culture, and the history of the West Coast, Los Angeles and Hollywood. His unrivaled private collection of ephemera has featured in museum exhibitions around the world and dozens of books. About the author: Steven Heller, co-chair of the School of Visual Arts MFA Designer as Author Program, writes the "Visuals" column for the New York Times Book Review, and is the author of 120 books on design, illustration, and satiric art. Издание на английском, французском, японском, испанском и немецком языках.

2892 Руб.

Heimann Jim, Nieder Alison A. 365 Day-by-Day. Fashion Ads of the 20th Century

Heimann Jim, Nieder Alison A. 365 Day-by-Day. Fashion Ads of the 20th Century heimann jim heller steven 20th century alcohol

For those of you whose datebooks have been replaced by smartphones, TASCHEN has created the new 365 Day-By-Day series so that you can still enjoy the warm analog feeling of marking every day with the turn of a page. Each day you'll discover a new image and a related quote-on special days you'll also learn the birthdays of fashion's greatest icons-ensuring a constant source of inspiration right on your desktop. At the end of the year, just turn back to the beginning and start again!

2098 Руб.

Conrad Joseph Lord Jim

Conrad Joseph Lord Jim heimann jim heller steven 20th century alcohol

Lord Jim tells the story of young British seaman Jim who once showed a lack of determination and now is trying to come to turns with himself and his past. In 1998, the Modern Library ranked this novel 85th on its list of the 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century.

524 Руб.

Lord Jim

Lord Jim heimann jim heller steven 20th century alcohol

Lord Jim tells the story of young British seaman Jim who once showed a lack of determination and now is trying to come to turns with himself and his past. In 1998, the Modern Library ranked this novel 85th on its list of the 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century.

99 Руб.

Heller Steven Valentines: Vintage Holiday Graphics

Heller Steven Valentines: Vintage Holiday Graphics heimann jim heller steven 20th century alcohol

While it may be true that our annual celebration of love began as a pagan feast of the flesh in third century Rome, that shouldn't stop anyone from enjoying this charming collection of Valentine's Day ephemera. From cards to candy boxes, party favors to ads and more, these classic graphics celebrate the holiday of love during the period of 1900 to the 1960s. You'll find the pun quotient to be delightfully high, exemplified by such gems as a baker exclaiming, "You're surely well 'bread'" and a bullfighter vowing "Bullieve me - I love you!" To put the imagery in context, Steven Heller's introductory essay traces the history of Valentine's Day. About the editor: Cultural anthropologist and graphic design historian Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America, and author of numerous books on architecture, pop culture, and the history of the West Coast, Los Angeles and Hollywood. His unrivaled private collection of ephemera has featured in museum exhibitions around the world and dozens of books. About the author: Steven Heller, co-chair of the School of Visual Arts MFA Designer as Author Program, writes the "Visuals" column for the New York Times Book Review, and is the author of 120 books on design, illustration, and satiric art. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.

718 Руб.

Nieder Alison A. 20th Century Fashion: 100 Years of Apparel Ads

Nieder Alison A. 20th Century Fashion: 100 Years of Apparel Ads heimann jim heller steven 20th century alcohol

The Way We Wore The story of modern fashion-from couture to mass market The 20th century saw fashion evolve from an exclusive Parisian salon business catering to a wealthy elite, into a global industry employing millions, with new trends whisked into stores before the last model has left the catwalk. Along the way, the signature feminine silhouettes of each era evolved beyond recognition: House of Worth crinolines gave way to Vionnet's bias-cut gowns, Dior's New Look to Quant's Chelsea Look, Halston's white suit to Frankie B.'s low-rise jeans. In menswear, ready-made suits signaled the demise of bespoke tailoring, long before Hawaiian shirts, skinny ties or baggy pants entered the fore. 20th Century Fashion offers a stylish retrospective of the last hundred years, via 400 fashion advertisements from the Jim Heimann Collection. Using imagery culled from a century of advertising, this book documents the unrelenting pace of fashion as it was adopted into the mass culture, decade by decade. An in-depth introduction, chapter text, and illustrated timeline detail the style-makers and trend-setters, from couture to the mass market; and how the historic events, design houses, retailers, films, magazines, and celebrities shaped the way we dressed-then and now. About the editor: Cultural anthropologist and graphic design historian Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America, and author of numerous books on architecture, pop culture, and the history of the West Coast, Los Angeles and Hollywood. His unrivaled private collection of ephemera has featured in museum exhibitions around the world and dozens of books. About the author: Alison A. Nieder has worked in fashion since 1985, in retail, apparel production, and as a fashion business journalist. She is executive editor of California Apparel News, a fashion trade publication covering the West Coast apparel and textile industries. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.

3036 Руб.

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