bronte anne бронте эмили бронте шарлотта the bronte collection box set

Bronte Anne, Бронте Эмили, Бронте Шарлотта The Bronte Collection Box Set

Bronte Anne, Бронте Эмили, Бронте Шарлотта The Bronte Collection Box Set bronte anne бронте эмили бронте шарлотта the bronte collection box set

Charlotte, Emily and Anne Bronte were not prolific novelists, but those that they did write have become some of the best-loved works in English literature. Collected together here are six titles, beautifully bound, that make the perfect introduction to the sisters' work. They include: Jane Eyre; Agnes Grey; Villette; Wuthering Heights; The Professor and The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Moving from the wilds of Yorkshire to small-town France, these are tales of passion and romance.

9058 Руб.

Bronte Anne, Бронте Эмили, Бронте Шарлотта The Complete Bronte Collection

Bronte Anne, Бронте Эмили, Бронте Шарлотта The Complete Bronte Collection bronte anne бронте эмили бронте шарлотта the bronte collection box set

The perfect gift for any Bronte Sisters lover for only GBP19.99. Each boxset contains seven books, together creating a comprehensive collection of the Bronte Sisters' best and much-loved works. Beautifully packaged in a ridged, matt-laminated slipcase with metallic detailing, complete with strikingly attractive, bespoke artwork.

4987 Руб.

Bronte Anne, Бронте Эмили, Бронте Шарлотта Poems

Bronte Anne, Бронте Эмили, Бронте Шарлотта Poems bronte anne бронте эмили бронте шарлотта the bronte collection box set

The Brontes were a nineteenth-century literary family, born in the village of Thornton and later associated with the village of Haworth in the West Riding of Yorkshire, England. The sisters are well known as poets and novelists. This is a volume of poetry published jointly by the three Bronte sisters, Charlotte, Emily and Anne in 1846 and it is their first work to ever go in print. To evade contemporary prejudice against female writers, the Bronte sisters adopted masculine first names. The book was published under the title Poems by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell. All three retained the first letter of their first names: Charlotte became Currer Bell, Anne became Acton Bell, and Emily took the name Ellis.

1136 Руб.

Bronte Anne, Бронте Эмили, Бронте Шарлотта The Classic Works of Bronte Sisters

Bronte Anne, Бронте Эмили, Бронте Шарлотта The Classic Works of Bronte Sisters bronte anne бронте эмили бронте шарлотта the bronte collection box set

The Bronte sisters, Charlotte, Emily and Anne, have left us no more than seven novels and a handful of poems but they are, next to Dickens, the best-loved novelists of the 19th century and will never cease to be read. This collection brings together three pieces of work that, incredibly, were all published within a single year. That Jane Eyre (Charlotte), Wuthering Heights (Emily) and Agnes Grey (Anne), works of such lasting quality, were produced in such a short space of time is incredible enough: that it was all the output of three sisters living straitened lives in a lonely Yorkshire village was extraordinary. The story of the Bront sisters is surely unique in literary history. Here were three girls who spent the greater part of their tragically brief lives in an austere, isolated parsonage on the Yorkshire moors. Their contacts with the outside world were brief and often unhappy, they fought a continual, hopeless battle against failing health, yet their combined willpower, energy and talent resulted in a stream of letters, stories, poems and novels, including two undoubted masterpieces, Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights. The three novels in this volume form a representative cross-section of their mature work. The most famous of them, Jane Eyre, is a deeply-felt, passionate story, based in part on Charlotte's personal experiences, strong in situation and characterisation. Wuthering Heights, Emily's only prose work, though bitterly attacked in its day, is recognised today as one of the greatest of English romantic novels. It is a powerful and imaginative tale with marvellous descriptions of the wild beauty of the moors. Agnes Grey, by the youngest sister Anne, is a moving and simply written story of a governess's life, again based on her own unhappy experiences.

1955 Руб.

Bronte Charlotte, Бронте Эмили, Бронте Энн Poems

Bronte Charlotte, Бронте Эмили, Бронте Энн Poems bronte anne бронте эмили бронте шарлотта the bronte collection box set

This is a volume of poetry published jointly by the three Bronte sisters, Charlotte, Emily and Anne in 1846 and their first work to ever go in print. To evade contemporary prejudice against female writers, the Bronte sisters adopted masculine first names. The book was published under the title Poems by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell. All three retained the first letter of their first names: Charlotte became Currer Bell, Anne became Acton Bell, and Emily became Ellis Bell.

696 Руб.

Тугушева Майя Павловна Они его любили. Герберт Джордж Уэллс и женщины в его жизни

Тугушева Майя Павловна Они его любили. Герберт Джордж Уэллс и женщины в его жизни bronte anne бронте эмили бронте шарлотта the bronte collection box set

ТУГУШЕВА Майя Павловна - литературовед, член Союза писателей Москвы, член Литературного общества Бронте (The Bronte Society, Англия). Автор книг о творчестве Ч. Диккенса, Ш. Бронте, Г. Дж. Уэллса, Дж. Голсуорси, а также : сборника литературно-критических статей, посвященных жанру детективной прозы (Э. По, А. Конан Дойл, А. Кристи, Ж. Сименон), "Под знаком четырёх".

513 Руб.

Bronte Anne Agnes Grey

Bronte Anne Agnes Grey bronte anne бронте эмили бронте шарлотта the bronte collection box set

Anne Bronte was an English novelist and poet, the youngest member of the Bronte literary family. Agnes Grey was an 1847 novel based on her experience. At age of nineteen Anne Bronte left home and worked as a governess for a few years before becoming a writer. The novel follows Agnes Grey, a governess, as she works within families of the English gentry. Bronte depicts the precarious position of a governess and how that can affect a young woman.

1094 Руб.

Bronte E. Wuthering Heights

Bronte E. Wuthering Heights bronte anne бронте эмили бронте шарлотта the bronte collection box set

Эмили Бронте — одна из самых ярких английских писательниц ХХ века, средняя из сестер Бронте, произведения которой отличаются глубоким психологизмом и живостью повествования.«Грозовой перевал» — самый известный роман писательницы.Неадаптированное издание на английском языке.Emily Bronte (1818–1848) - English novelist and poet. She is best known for her only novel, Wuthering heights, written under the pen name Ellis Bell. Although Wuthehng Heights is now regarded as a classic of English literature, contemporary opinions were deeply polarized; the novel was considered controversial because of its naturalistic depiction of mental and physical cruelty. Besides, the author challenged strict Victorian ideals, including religious hypocrisy, morality, class structure and gender inequality.

758 Руб.

Bronte E. Wuthering Heights

Bronte E. Wuthering Heights bronte anne бронте эмили бронте шарлотта the bronte collection box set

Эмили Бронте — одна из самых ярких английских писательниц ХХ века, средняя из сестер Бронте, произведения которой отличаются глубоким психологизмом и живостью повествования.«Грозовой перевал» — самый известный роман писательницы.Неадаптированное издание на английском языке.Emily Bronte (1818–1848) - English novelist and poet. She is best known for her only novel, Wuthering heights, written under the pen name Ellis Bell. Although Wuthehng Heights is now regarded as a classic of English literature, contemporary opinions were deeply polarized; the novel was considered controversial because of its naturalistic depiction of mental and physical cruelty. Besides, the author challenged strict Victorian ideals, including religious hypocrisy, morality, class structure and gender inequality.

758 Руб.

Bronte A. Agnes Grey = Агнес Грей. Т. 8: на англ.яз

Bronte A. Agnes Grey = Агнес Грей. Т. 8: на англ.яз bronte anne бронте эмили бронте шарлотта the bronte collection box set

Anne Bronte was an English novelist and poet, the youngest member of the Bronte literary family. Agnes Grey was an 1847 novel based on her experience. At age of nineteen Anne Bronte left home and worked as a governess for a few years before becoming a writer. The novel follows Agnes Grey, a governess, as she works within families of the English gentry. Bronte depicts the precarious position of a governess and how that can affect a young woman.

782 Руб.

Bronte A. Agnes Grey = Агнес Грей. Т. 8: на англ.яз

Bronte A. Agnes Grey = Агнес Грей. Т. 8: на англ.яз bronte anne бронте эмили бронте шарлотта the bronte collection box set

Anne Bronte was an English novelist and poet, the youngest member of the Bronte literary family. Agnes Grey was an 1847 novel based on her experience. At age of nineteen Anne Bronte left home and worked as a governess for a few years before becoming a writer. The novel follows Agnes Grey, a governess, as she works within families of the English gentry. Bronte depicts the precarious position of a governess and how that can affect a young woman.

782 Руб.

Кроссовки 'Bronte' Trainers Remonte, бежевый

Кроссовки 'Bronte' Trainers Remonte, бежевый bronte anne бронте эмили бронте шарлотта the bronte collection box set
Бренд: Remonte

Стильные и удобные кроссовки Bronte от Remonte — незаменимая пара женских кроссовок весной и летом. Эти кроссовки с мозаичным цветочным узором на кожаном верхе и дышащей текстильной подкладкой обеспечивают комфорт в течение всего дня. Бронте можно за...

17172 Руб.

Кроссовки 'Bronte' Trainers Remonte, серебро

Кроссовки 'Bronte' Trainers Remonte, серебро bronte anne бронте эмили бронте шарлотта the bronte collection box set
Бренд: Remonte

Стильные и удобные кроссовки Bronte от Remonte — незаменимая пара женских кроссовок весной и летом. Эти кроссовки с мозаичным цветочным узором на кожаном верхе и дышащей текстильной подкладкой обеспечивают комфорт в течение всего дня. Бронте можно за...

17172 Руб.


Poems bronte anne бронте эмили бронте шарлотта the bronte collection box set

This is a volume of poetry published jointly by the three Bronte sisters, Charlotte, Emily and Anne in 1846 and their first work to ever go in print. To evade contemporary prejudice against female writers, the Bronte sisters adopted masculine first names. The book was published under the title Poems by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell. All three retained the first letter of their first names: Charlotte became Currer Bell, Anne became Acton Bell, and Emily became Ellis Bell.

199 Руб.

Бронте Шарлотта, Бронте Эмили, Бронте Энн Лучшие романы сестер Бронте

Бронте Шарлотта, Бронте Эмили, Бронте Энн Лучшие романы сестер Бронте bronte anne бронте эмили бронте шарлотта the bronte collection box set

"Иностранный язык: учимся у классиков" - это только оригинальные тексты лучших произведений мировой литературы. Эти книги станут эффективным и увлекательным пособием для изучающих иностранный язык на хорошем "продолжающем" и "продвинутом" уровне. Они помогут эффективно расширить словарный запас, подскажут, где и как правильно употреблять устойчивые выражения и грамматические конструкции, просто подарят радость от чтения. В конце книги дана краткая информация о культуроведческих, страноведческих, исторических и географических реалиях описываемого периода, которая поможет лучше ориентироваться в тексте произведения. Серия "Иностранный язык: учимся у классиков" адресована широкому кругу читателей, хорошо владеющих английским языком и стремящихся к его совершенствованию. Составление, комментарии: М.А. Поповец.

444 Руб.

Бронте Эмили Грозовой перевал: Роман

Бронте Эмили Грозовой перевал: Роман bronte anne бронте эмили бронте шарлотта the bronte collection box set

Эмили Бронте из трех знаменитых сестер представляется личностью наиболее одаренной и поэтому самой трагической. Признание, почести, слава обошли ее при жизни, но время все расставило на свои места. Сомерсет Моэм, классик английской литературы, включил "Грозовой перевал" в десятку лучших романов мира. На жизнь затерянной в глуши усадьбы Эмили Бронте взглянула с непривычной точки зрения - не как на патриархальную идиллию и унылое стоячее болото, но как на беспощадный поединок страстей. Роман настолько поражает необычайной эмоциональной силой, что Шарлотта Бронте уподобила его "грозовому электричеству". Переводчик: Н. Вольпин.

178 Руб.

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