griffiths andy just annoying

Griffiths Andy Just Annoying

Griffiths Andy Just Annoying griffiths andy just annoying

Is this the right book for you? Take the annoying test and find out! 1) Do you ask 'Are we there yet?' over and over on long car trips? 2) Do you like to drive people mad by copying everything they say and do? 3) Do you hog the shower and use up all the hot water? 4) Do you enjoy asking silly questions that have no real answers? 5) Do you swing on the washing line whenever you get the chance? Score: One point for each yes answer. 3-5 You are a practical joking genius. You will love this book. 1-2 You are a good practical joker. You will love this book. 0 You are not a practical joker. You will love this book. Just Annoying is the second book in this hilarious series of stories about the world's most annoying practical joker - from the creators of the bestselling Treehouse series, Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton.

1092 Руб.

Griffiths Andy Just Kidding

Griffiths Andy Just Kidding griffiths andy just annoying

Just Kidding! is the first book in a hilarious series of short stories about the world's smartest, craziest and most annoying practical joker from the creators of the bestselling Treehouse series, Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton. Is this the right book for you? Take the just kidding test and find out! 1. Do you ever pretend that you are sick to get out of going to school? 2. Do you leave banana skins in the middle of busy footpaths? 3. Do you wish that every day could be April Fools' Day? Score: One point for each yes answer. 3. You are a practical joking genius. You will love this book. 1-2. You are a good practical joker. You will love this book. 0. You are not a practical joker. You will love this book. (Just Kidding! was originally published as Just Tricking!)

1506 Руб.

Griffiths Andy, Denton Terry Just Stupid!

Griffiths Andy, Denton Terry Just Stupid! griffiths andy just annoying

Just Stupid! is the third book in a hilarious series of short stories about the world's smartest, craziest and most annoying practical joker from the creators of the bestselling Treehouse series, Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton. Is this the right book for you? Take the stupid test and find out! 1) Do you push doors marked 'pull' and pull doors marked 'push'? 2) Do you think that being able to stuff your mouth full of marshmallows is a sign of superior intelligence? 3) Do you automatically turn around when someone shouts 'Hey, Stupid!'? 4) Do you believe a bogeyman hides under the bed? 5) Do you worry about getting sucked into the top of escalators? SCORE: One point for each yes answer. 3-5 You are extremely stupid. You will love this book. 1-2 You are fairly stupid. You will love this book. 0 You think you're smart but deep down you're as stupid as the rest of us. You will love this book.

1506 Руб.

Griffiths Andy The 117-Storey Treehouse

Griffiths Andy The 117-Storey Treehouse griffiths andy just annoying

There are lots of laughs at every level in The 117-Storey Treehouse, the ninth book in the number one bestselling Treehouse series from Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton. Andy and Terry have added another thirteen levels of crazy fun to their every-growing treehouse (it used to be a 104-story treehouse, but it just keeps growing!) They've got a tiny-horse level, a pyjama-party room and an Underpants Museum and Treehouse Information Centre! But Andy and Terry have found themselves running from the Story Police and the only way to escape, is through the terrifying Door of Doom! For as long as Andy and Terry have been writing books together, Andy has always been the narrator and Terry has always been the illustrator. But when Terry tries to prove that he can narrate as well as draw, the story goes completely out of control and the Story Police arrive to arrest the whole treehouse team for crimes against storytelling! Andy, Terry and Jill go on the run, but how long can they evade the Story Police and stay out of Story Jail? Join the adventure that inspired the World Book Day bestseller, Terry's Dumb Dot Story in this laugh-out-loud story told through a combination of text and fantastic cartoon-style illustrations. With 117 amazing levels to discover in the Treehouse series, Well, what are you waiting for? Come on up!

1815 Руб.

Griffiths Andy The 104-Storey Treehouse

Griffiths Andy The 104-Storey Treehouse griffiths andy just annoying

The 104-Storey Treehouse is the eighth book of Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton's wacky treehouse adventures, where the laugh-out-loud story is told through a combination of text and fantastic cartoon-style illustrations. Join Andy and Terry in their 104-storey spectacular treehouse (it used to be a 91-story treehouse, but they decided it was still missing a few things). They've added thirteen new levels, including a never-ending staircase, a burp bank, and even a mighty fortress. But Andy and Terry are in a race against time to find a funny story for their next book - and Andy had a toothache that hurts so bad he can't write any jokes for their new book. Will the tooth fairy be able to help? But Terry knows just what to do: buy a Joke Writer 2000™ to write the jokes for them! All they need first is some money from their money-making machine and then it's off to the store. It's a foolproof plan-a Terry-proof one, even! Well, what are you waiting for? Come on up!

1815 Руб.

Griffiths Andy The 156-Storey Treehouse

Griffiths Andy The 156-Storey Treehouse griffiths andy just annoying

Treehouse is getting festive! With lots of Christmas laughs at every level in The 156-Storey Treehouse, from the worldwide bestselling Treehouse series by Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton. They’ve added 13 new levels, including a wishing well, a world-record breaking level, a T.V quiz show (hosted by Quizzy the quizzical quizbot) and an amazing mind-reading sandwich-making machine! It’s the night before Christmas, but it’s not going well for Andy and Terry – they’re at war with an angry snowman, Santa has crashed his sleigh and fallen into the cloning machine, and Mr. Big Nose wants a new book by tomorrow! Can they defeat the snowman, save Christmas, and get their book written in time? Well, what are you waiting for? Come on up!

2948 Руб.

Griffiths Andy The 78-Storey Treehouse

Griffiths Andy The 78-Storey Treehouse griffiths andy just annoying

The 78-Storey Treehouse is the sixth book in Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton's wacky treehouse adventures, where the laugh-out-loud story is told through a combination of text and fantastic cartoon-style illustrations. Join Andy and Terry in their 78-storey spectacular treehouse (it used to be 65 storeys, but they keep expanding!) They've added thirteen new levels including a drive-thru car wash, a combining machine, a scribbletorium, an ALL-BALL sports stadium, Andyland, Terrytown, a high-security potato chip storage facility and an open-air movie theatre with a super giant screen . . . which is a very useful thing to have now that Terry’s going to be a big-shot movie star! Well, what are you waiting for? Come on up!

1815 Руб.

Griffiths Andy The Treehouse Joke Book

Griffiths Andy The Treehouse Joke Book griffiths andy just annoying

Find the perfect silly joke in this collection from Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton, the creators of the internationally bestselling Treehouse series. Q: How do monkeys make toast? A: They put it under a gorilla! Q: What's grey and powdery? A: Instant elephant mix! From Bears to Birds, Penguins to Pirates, School to Space, The Treehouse Joke Book is packed full of hilarious jokes and silly one-liners that will make anyone laugh their socks off. The perfect gift for any Treehouse fan, join Andy and Terry as they find the ideal joke for any occasion!

1587 Руб.

Griffiths Andy The 26-Storey Treehouse

Griffiths Andy The 26-Storey Treehouse griffiths andy just annoying

The 26-Storey Treehouse is the second book in Andy Griffith's and Terry Denton's wacky treehouse adventures, where the laugh-out-loud story is told through a combination of text and fantastic cartoon-style illustrations. Andy and Terry have expanded their treehouse! There are now thirteen brand-new storeys, including a dodgem-car rink, a skate ramp, a mud-fighting arena, an antigravity chamber, an ice-cream parlour with seventy-eight flavours run by an ice-cream-serving robot called Edward Scooperhands, and the Maze of Doom – a maze so complicated that nobody who has gone in has ever come out again . . . well, not yet anyway . . . This time, the two friends have a whole week to finish their next book, and Andy even knows what it should be about: the story of how he and Terry first met. But life is NEVER boring in the treehouse, and emergency shark operations, giant storms, and wooden pirate heads are just the beginning . . . Well, what are you waiting for? Come on up!

1587 Руб.

Griffiths Andy The 39-Storey Treehouse

Griffiths Andy The 39-Storey Treehouse griffiths andy just annoying

The 39-Storey Treehouse is the third book in Andy Griffith's and Terry Denton's wacky treehouse adventures, where the laugh-out-loud story is told through a combination of text and fantastic cartoon-style illustrations. Andy and Terry's amazing treehouse has thirteen new levels (it used to be 13 storeys, then 26, but they keep expanding!) They've added a chocolate waterfall you can swim in, a volcano for toasting marshmallows, a bulldozer-battling level, a baby-dinosaur-petting zoo, a not-very-merry merry-go-round, a boxing elephant called the Trunkinator, an X-ray room, a disco with light-up dance floor, the world's scariest roller coaster and a top-secret thirty-ninth level which hasn't even been finished yet! And this year Terry has created the greatest invention that he—or anyone else—has ever invented . . . a Once-upon-a-time machine that will write and illustrate their entire book for them! Well, what are you waiting for? Come on up!

1709 Руб.

Griffiths Andy The 52-Storey Treehouse

Griffiths Andy The 52-Storey Treehouse griffiths andy just annoying

The 52-Storey Treehouse is the fourth book in Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton's wacky treehouse adventures, where the laugh-out-loud story is told through a combination of text and fantastic cartoon-style illustrations. Winner of the ABIA Book of the Year Award. Andy and Terry's incredible, ever-expanding treehouse has thirteen new storeys (it used to be 13, then 26, then 39, but they keep expanding!) including a watermelon-smashing level, a wave machine, a life-size snakes and ladders game (with real ladders and real snakes!), a rocket-powered carrot launcher, a Ninja Snail Training Academy and a high-tech detective agency with all the latest high-tech detective technology. Which is lucky, because they have a BIG mystery to solve – Where is Mr Big Nose??? Well, what are you waiting for? Come on up!

1815 Руб.

Griffiths Andy The 91-Storey Treehouse

Griffiths Andy The 91-Storey Treehouse griffiths andy just annoying

The 91-Storey Treehouse is the seventh book of Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton's wacky treehouse adventures, where the laugh-out-loud story is told through a combination of text and fantastic cartoon-style illustrations. Join Andy and Terry in their 91-storey spectacular treehouse (it used to be a 78-story treehouse, but they keep getting ideas for new stories!) They've added thirteen new levels, including the world's most powerful whirlpool, a mashed-potato-and-gravy train and a human pinball machine. Why not try your luck on the spin-and-win prize wheel or hang out in a giant spider web (with a giant spider), or you can always get your fortune told by Madam Know-it-all or eat a submarine sandwich the size of an actual submarine while deciding whether or not to push the BIG RED BUTTON . . . which they’re not sure whether to push or not because they can’t remember what it does. Well, what are you waiting for? Come on up!

1815 Руб.

Griffiths Andy The 65-Storey Treehouse

Griffiths Andy The 65-Storey Treehouse griffiths andy just annoying

The 65-Storey Treehouse is the fifth book in Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton's wacky treehouse adventures, where the laugh-out-loud story is told through a combination of text and fantastic cartoon-style illustrations. Andy and Terry's amazing 65-Storey Treehouse (it used to be 52 stories, but they keep expanding!) now has a pet-grooming salon, a birthday room where it's always your birthday (even when it's not), a room full of exploding eyeballs, a lollipop shop, a quicksand pit, an ant farm, a time machine ... which is going to be really, really useful now, since Terry messed up (again) and the treehouse just FAILED it's safety inspection. Join Andy and Terry on a whirlwind trip through time as they try to stop the treehouse from being demolished! Well, what are you waiting for? Come on up!

2504 Руб.

Griffiths A., Denton T. The 13-Storey Treehouse

Griffiths A., Denton T. The 13-Storey Treehouse griffiths andy just annoying

The 13-Storey Treehouse is the first book in Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton’s wacky treehouse adventures, where the laugh-out-loud story is told through a combination of text and fantastic cartoon-style illustrations. Andy and Terry live in the WORLD’S BEST treehouse! It’s got a giant catapult, a secret underground laboratory, a tank of man-eating sharks and a marshmallow machine that follows you around and shoots marshmallows into your mouth whenever you’re hungry! Just watch out for the sea monkeys, and the monkeys pretending to be sea monkeys, and the giant mutant mermaid sea monster… Oh, and, whatever you do, don’t get trapped in a burp-gas-filled bubble…! Well, what are you waiting for? Come on up!

525 Руб.

Griffiths A., Denton T. The 13-Storey Treehouse

Griffiths A., Denton T. The 13-Storey Treehouse griffiths andy just annoying

The 13-Storey Treehouse is the first book in Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton’s wacky treehouse adventures, where the laugh-out-loud story is told through a combination of text and fantastic cartoon-style illustrations. Andy and Terry live in the WORLD’S BEST treehouse! It’s got a giant catapult, a secret underground laboratory, a tank of man-eating sharks and a marshmallow machine that follows you around and shoots marshmallows into your mouth whenever you’re hungry! Just watch out for the sea monkeys, and the monkeys pretending to be sea monkeys, and the giant mutant mermaid sea monster… Oh, and, whatever you do, don’t get trapped in a burp-gas-filled bubble…! Well, what are you waiting for? Come on up!

525 Руб.

Griffiths Andy The Treehouse Joke Book 2

Griffiths Andy The Treehouse Joke Book 2 griffiths andy just annoying

Find the perfect silly joke in this collection from Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton, the creators of the internationally bestselling Treehouse series. Q: How do monkeys make toast? A: They put it under a gorilla! Q: What's grey and powdery? A: Instant elephant mix! From Bears to Birds, Penguins to Pirates, School to Space, The Treehouse Joke Book 2 is packed full of hilarious jokes and silly one-liners that will make anyone laugh their socks off. The perfect gift for any Treehouse fan, join Andy and Terry as they find the ideal joke for any occasion!

1587 Руб.

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