metzger rainer 1920s berlin

Rainer Metzger. 1920s Berlin

Rainer Metzger. 1920s Berlin metzger rainer 1920s berlin
Бренд: Республика

The roaring twenties in BerlinIt was the decade of daring Expressionist canvases, of brilliant book design, of the Bauhaus total work of art, of pioneering psychology, of drag balls, cabaret, Metropolis, and Marlene Dietrich’s rising star in theater and silent film. Between the paroxysms of two world wars, Berlin in the 1920s was a carpe diem cultural heyday, replete with groundbreaking art, invention, and thought.This book immerses readers in the freewheeling spirit of Berlin’s Weimar age. Through exemplary works in painting, sculpture, architecture, graphic design, photography, and film, we uncover the innovations, ideas, and precious dreams that characterized this unique cultural window. We take in the jazz bars and dance halls; the crowded kinos and flapper fashion; the advances in technology and transport; the radio towers and rumbling trams and trains; the soaring buildings; the cinematic masterworks; and the newly independent women who smoked cigarettes, wore their hair short, and earned their own money.Featured works in this vivid cultural portrait include Hannah Höch's The Journalists; Lotte Jacobi’s Hands on Typewriter; Otto Dix's Portrait of the Journalist Sylvia von Harden; Peter Behrens's project of theAlexanderplatz; and Josef von Sternberg’s The Blue Angel, starring Dietrich as cabaret performer Lola Lola. Along the way, we explore both the utopian yearnings and the more ominous economic and political realities which fueled the era's escapist, idealistic, or reactionary masterworks. Behind the bright lights and glitter dresses, we see the inflation, factory labor, and fragile political consensus that lurked beneath this golden era and would eventually spell its savage end with the rise of National Socialism.

2450 Руб.

Metzger Rainer 1920s Berlin

Metzger Rainer 1920s Berlin metzger rainer 1920s berlin

The roaring twenties in Berlin It was the decade of daring Expressionist canvases, of brilliant book design, of the Bauhaus total work of art, of pioneering psychology, of drag balls, cabaret, Metropolis, and Marlene Dietrich’s rising star in theater and silent film. Between the paroxysms of two world wars, Berlin in the 1920s was a carpe diem cultural heyday, replete with groundbreaking art, invention, and thought. This book immerses readers in the freewheeling spirit of Berlin’s Weimar age. Through exemplary works in painting, sculpture, architecture, graphic design, photography, and film, we uncover the innovations, ideas, and precious dreams that characterized this unique cultural window. We take in the jazz bars and dance halls; the crowded kinos and flapper fashion; the advances in technology and transport; the radio towers and rumbling trams and trains; the soaring buildings; the cinematic masterworks; and the newly independent women who smoked cigarettes, wore their hair short, and earned their own money. Featured works in this vivid cultural portrait include Hannah Hoch's The Journalists; Lotte Jacobi’s Hands on Typewriter; Otto Dix's Portrait of the Journalist Sylvia von Harden; Peter Behrens's project of theAlexanderplatz; and Josef von Sternberg’s The Blue Angel, starring Dietrich as cabaret performer Lola Lola. Along the way, we explore both the utopian yearnings and the more ominous economic and political realities which fueled the era's escapist, idealistic, or reactionary masterworks. Behind the bright lights and glitter dresses, we see the inflation, factory labor, and fragile political consensus that lurked beneath this golden era and would eventually spell its savage end with the rise of National Socialism.

2409 Руб.

Metzger Rainer 1920s Berlin

Metzger Rainer 1920s Berlin metzger rainer 1920s berlin

Zwischen Dr. Caligari und Hitler – Berlin in den Goldenen Zwanzigern Die 1920er-Jahre sind Berlins goldenes Jahrzehnt. Das Nachkriegselend wollen sie vergessen machen, bevor sich nach einem kurzen Intermezzo Wirtschaftskrise und Nationalsozialismus Bahn brechen. Berlin erfahrt in den 1920ern einen ungeheuren Modernisierungsschub und ist plotzlich eine moderne, rasante Weltstadt, die nicht mehr schlafen geht und zum ewigen Sehnsuchtsort hedonistischer Fantasien wird: Vom Alexanderplatz fahrt eine Stra?enbahn zur Milchstra?e, vor expressionistischen Gemalden fliegt dem Burger der Hut vom Kopf und in den Nachtklubs gibt man sich sexueller Anarchie und kultivierten Koksneurosen hin. Berlin erlebt eine kurze Zeit der kulturellen Blute, des intellektuellen Reichtums und der exzessiven Lebensfreude. In den Jazzbars, dekadenten Kabaretts, uberfullten Kinosalen und Tanzlokalen pulsiert das Leben, rasende Reporter schreiben es mit, Zeitungsjungen schreien es heraus, erschopfte Nachtschwarmer erzahlen es ihren Psychoanalytikern. Sensation jagt Sensation, Manner lieben Manner, Frauen lieben Frauen, rauchen, trinken, tragen Haare und Rocke kurz und verdienen eigenes Geld. Fritz Lang dreht Film um Film, Siegfried Kracauer studiert Ladenmadchen und die neue Angestelltenkultur, Immobilienspekulanten werden reich, Glucksritter arm, Franz Hessel flaniert, die Leuchtreklamen flackern, und die S-Bahn singt ein Lied dazu. Dieser Band wirft Schlaglichter auf herausragende Werke aus Architektur, Malerei, Bildhauerei, Film und Fotografie, darunter die Bauprojekte des Architekten Peter Behrens fur den Alexanderplatz, Otto Dix’ Bildnis der Journalistin Sylvia von Harden im Stil der Neuen Sachlichkeit, Lotte Jacobis Fotografien, die Fotocollagen Hannah Hochs oder Josef von Sternbergs Der blauer Engel mit Marlene Dietrich. Ein Feuerwerk der Kreativitat, des Eigensinns und der Vielfalt, das schon bald verloschen sollte.

3435 Руб.

Rainer Metzger. Chagall

Rainer Metzger. Chagall metzger rainer 1920s berlin
Бренд: Республика

For Marc Chagall (1887–1985), painting was an intricate tapestry of dreams, tales, and traditions. His instantly recognizable visual language carved out a unique early 20th-century niche, often identified as one of the earliest expressions of psychic experience.Chagall's canvases are characterized by loose brushwork, deep colors, a particular fondness for blue, and a repertoire of recurring tropes including musicians, roosters, rooftops, flowers, and floating lovers. For all their ethereal charms, his compositions were often rich and complex in their references. They wove together not only colors and forms, but also his Jewish roots with his present encounters in Paris, markers of faith with gestures of love and symbols of hope with testimonies of trauma.Across scenes of birth, love, marriage, and death, this dependable artist introduction explores the many versions of Chagall's rich vocabulary. From visions of his native Vitebsk in modern-day Belarus to images of the Eiffel Tower, we explore the unique aesthetic of one of the most readily identifiable modern masters and one of the most influential Jewish artists of all time.

2250 Руб.

Rainer Metzger. Van Gogh

Rainer Metzger. Van Gogh metzger rainer 1920s berlin
Бренд: Республика

Гениальность и тоска мастера экспрессионизма. История Винсента Ван Гога — одна из самых ироничных в истории искусства. Сегодня он прославляется во всем мире как один из самых важных художников всех времен, признанный благодаря аншлаговым выставкам, прославленным музеям и рекордным ценам в десятки миллионов долларов на аукционах. Тем не менее, когда он писал полотна, которые впоследствии станут распроданными современными шедеврами, Ван Гог боролся не только с отсутствием интереса у его современников, но и с разрушительными приступами психических заболеваний, с эпизодами депрессии и парализующей тревоги, которые в конечном итоге забрали его жизнь в 1890 году, когда он покончил жизнь самоубийством вскоре после своего 37-летия.Это всестороннее исследование Винсента Ван Гога (1853–1890) сочетает в себе подробную монографию о его жизни и искусстве с полным каталогом его 871 картины.Райнер Мецгер изучал историю искусств, историю и немецкую литературу в Мюнхене и Аугсбурге. В 1994 году он получил докторскую степень на тему Дэна Грэма, а впоследствии работал журналистом по изобразительному искусству в венской газете Der Standard. Он написал множество книг по искусству, в том числе тома о Ван Гоге и Шагале. С 2004 года он работает профессором истории искусства в Академии изящных искусств в Карлсруэ.Инго Ф. Вальтер (1940–2007) родился в Берлине и изучал средневековье, литературу и историю искусства во Франкфурте-на-Майне и Мюнхене. Он опубликовал множество книг по искусству Средневековья, 19 и 20 веков. Многие названия Вальтера для TASCHEN включают Винсента Ван Гога, Пабло Пикассо, Искусство 20-го века и иллюстрированные кодексы.The genius and the angst of an Expressionist master. Vincent van Gogh’s story is one of the most ironic in art history. Today, he is celebrated the world over as one of the most important painters of all time, recognized with sell-out shows, feted museums, and record prices of tens of millions of dollars at auction. Yet as he was painting the canvases that would subsequently become these sell-out modern masterpieces, van Gogh was battling not only the disinterest of his contemporary audiences but also devastating bouts of mental illness, with episodes of depression and paralyzing anxiety which would eventually claim his life in 1890, when he committed suicide shortly after his 37th birthday. This comprehensive study of Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890) pairs a detailed monograph on his life and art with a complete catalogue of his 871 paintings. Rainer Metzger studied art history, history, and German literature in Munich and Augsburg. In 1994, he earned his Ph.D. on the subject of Dan Graham, and subsequently worked as a fine arts journalist for the Viennese newspaper Der Standard. He has written numerous books on art, including volumes on van Gogh and Chagall. Since 2004, he has worked as Professor of art history at the Academy of Fine Arts in Karlsruhe. Ingo F. Walther (1940–2007) was born in Berlin and studied medieval studies,...

2750 Руб.

Metzger Rainer Wien 1900

Metzger Rainer Wien 1900 metzger rainer 1920s berlin

Eldorado der Kunste – Wien um 1900 Zwischen 1890 und 1910 kam es in Wien zu einer verbluffenden Konzentration von neuen Denkansatzen und au?erordentlichen Innovationen in Kunst, Kultur und Wissenschaft. Erstaunlicherweise wurden diese Dekaden erst in den 1980ern als entscheidender Zeitraum in der Geschichte der Moderne erkannt und unter dem Label „Wiener Moderne“ zum intensiv bearbeiteten Forschungsgegenstand und beliebten Ausstellungsthema. Jugendstil und Psychoanalyse, Zwolftonmusik, Gesamtkunstwerk, Kaffeehausliteraten, Dekadenz und Design, Wiener Werkstatten und Secession sind nur einige der Begriffe, die man heute mit Wien um 1900 verbindet. Egon Schiele, Koloman Moser, Sigmund Freud, Arnold Schonberg, Adolf Loos, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Gustav Klimt, Josef Hoffmann, Hermann Bahr, Karl Kraus, Oskar Kokoschka und viele andere leisteten Einzigartiges in ihrem jeweiligen Metier, sei es in Design, Architektur, Musik, Malerei oder Forschung und Wissenschaft. Wien erscheint wie ein Brennspiegel, in dem sich neue Ideen deutlicher und intensiver zeigen als andernorts. 2018 jahren sich die Todestage vierer prominenter Vertreter dieses kreativen Fruhlings um 1900 zum hundertsten Mal, die von Otto Wagner, Gustav Klimt, Koloman Moser und Egon Schiele. Anlass fur TASCHEN, gemeinsam mit der Stadt Wien einen Blick zuruck zu werfen und dem besonderen geistigen Klima und der kreativen Atmosphare nachzuspuren, die diese Epoche so einzigartig machten.

3435 Руб.

Metzger Rainer Vienna Around 1900

Metzger Rainer Vienna Around 1900 metzger rainer 1920s berlin

Poets and intellectuals brushed shoulders in bustling coffeehouses, young avant-gardists heralded a new era in social and sexual liberalism, waltzes resounded through the Ringstrasse, the Vienna Secession preached: "To every age its art - to every art its freedom;" and tremors warned of looming political disintegration when the Austrian capital passed into a new century. Across economics, science, art, and music, Vienna blossomed into a "laboratory of modernity," one which nurtured some of the greatest artistic innovators-from Egon Schiele's unflinching nude portraits to Gustav Klimt's decadent Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I, from the ornamental seams and glass floors of Otto Wagner to Ditha Moser's calendars adorned in golden deities. Discover the zeitgeist, the scandals, and the extraordinary protagonists in this introduction to a transformative epoch. Across painting, sculpture, architecture, and design, we explore all the movers and shakers through insightful profiles and crisp double-page reproductions. Marking the centenary of the deaths of some of its brightest talents, this collection joins Vienna in its 2018 celebration of Modernism.

2048 Руб.

Metzger Rainer Waiting for Santa

Metzger Rainer Waiting for Santa metzger rainer 1920s berlin

It's Christmas Eve in the forest. Will Santa bring us presents? squeaks Mouse. Of course not! huffs Badger. Santa doesn't even we're here. But clever Bear has a plan. He sets his friends to work making reindeer snacks and a huge tree to attract Father Christmas attention. We just have to believe! Bear tells them. But will Santa really come? From author Steve Metzger (Pluto Visits Earth!) comes a tale of belief and friendship to light up the holiday season. Packed with plenty of surprises and festive fun, this is the perfect festive book to reassure young children. The rich and colour illustrations make this an ideal gift for children aged three to six.

1228 Руб.

Walther Ingo F., Metzger Rainer Marc Chagall

Walther Ingo F., Metzger Rainer Marc Chagall metzger rainer 1920s berlin

For Marc Chagall (1887-1985), painting was an intricate tapestry of dreams, tales, and traditions. His instantly recognizable visual language carved out a unique early 20th-century niche, often identified as one of the earliest expressions of psychic experience. Chagall's canvases are characterized by loose brushwork, deep colors, a particular fondness for blue, and a repertoire of recurring tropes including musicians, roosters, rooftops, flowers, and floating lovers. For all their ethereal charms, his compositions were often rich and complex in their references. They wove together not only colors and forms, but also his Jewish roots with his present encounters in Paris, markers of faith with gestures of love and symbols of hope with testimonies of trauma. Across scenes of birth, love, marriage, and death, this dependable artist introduction explores the many versions of Chagall's rich vocabulary. From visions of his native Vitebsk in modern-day Belarus to images of the Eiffel Tower, we explore the unique aesthetic of one of the most readily identifiable modern masters and one of the most influential Jewish artists of all time.

2048 Руб.

Walther Ingo F., Metzger Rainer Van Gogh. The Complete Paintings

Walther Ingo F., Metzger Rainer Van Gogh. The Complete Paintings metzger rainer 1920s berlin

Vincent van Gogh's story is one of the most ironic in art history. Today, he is celebrated the world over as one of the most important painters of all time, recognized with sell-out shows, feted museums, and record prices of tens of millions of dollars at auction. Yet as he was painting the canvases that would subsequently become these sell-out modern masterpieces, van Gogh was battling not only the disinterest of his contemporary audiences but also devastating bouts of mental illness, with episodes of depression and paralyzing anxiety which would eventually claim his life in 1890, when he committed suicide shortly after his 37th birthday. This comprehensive study of Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) pairs a detailed monograph on his life and art with a complete catalogue of his 871 paintings.

2941 Руб.

Walther Ingo F., Metzger Rainer Van Gogh. L'Œuvre complet - Peinture

Walther Ingo F., Metzger Rainer Van Gogh. L'Œuvre complet - Peinture metzger rainer 1920s berlin

Genie et angoisse existentielle d’un maitre de l’expressionnisme L’histoire de Vincent van Gogh est l’une des plus tragiques de l’histoire de l’art. Aujourd’hui, le monde entier le considere comme un des peintres les plus importants de tous les temps : les expositions qui lui sont consacrees font fureur, les plus grands musees lui rendent hommage et ses ?uvres battent des records aux encheres en se vendant des dizaines de millions de dollars. Mais alors qu’il peignait les toiles qui deviendraient ces chefs-d’?uvre modernes que l’on s’arrache, Van Gogh luttait non seulement contre le desinteret de ses contemporains, mais aussi contre des acces de folie, avec des episodes de depression et d’angoisse paralysante qui l’ont finalement conduit au suicide en 1890, peu apres son 37e anniversaire. Cette etude globale consacree a Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) rassemble une monographie detaillee de sa vie et de son ?uvre accompagnee d’un catalogue complet de ses 871 tableaux.

4932 Руб.

Walther Ingo F., Metzger Rainer Van Gogh. L'œuvre complet - Peinture

Walther Ingo F., Metzger Rainer Van Gogh. L'œuvre complet - Peinture metzger rainer 1920s berlin

L’?uvre fascinante d’une ame tourmentee Aujourd’hui, l’?uvre de Vincent Van Gogh (1853–1890) est l’une des plus connues et appreciees dans le monde. On reconnait, dans des peintures comme Les Tournesols, La Nuit etoilee ou Autoportrait a l’oreille bandee, la patte unique d’un artiste doue pour figurer les matieres et la lumiere, saisir une atmosphere et un instant. Pourtant, sa vie durant, Van Gogh s’est battu contre l’indifference de ses contemporains, et contre des crises devastatrices d’instabilite mentale. Ses episodes de depression et d’anxiete ont pu causer son deces, quand, en 1890, il finit par se suicider a 37 ans. Cette etude d’ensemble de l’?uvre de Vincent Van Gogh offre un catalogue exhaustif de ses 871 tableaux, accompagnes d’ecrits et de textes qui retracent la vie et l’?uvre de celui qui continue de dominer l’art, encore aujourd’hui.

7397 Руб.

Walther Ingo F., Metzger Rainer Van Gogh. Tout l'œuvre peint

Walther Ingo F., Metzger Rainer Van Gogh. Tout l'œuvre peint metzger rainer 1920s berlin

Genie et angoisse existentielle d’un talent torture De nos jours, les ?uvres de Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890) sont parmi les plus celebres et reconnues dans le monde. Ces peintures telles que les Tournesols, La Nuit etoilee ou l’Autoportrait a l’oreille bandee revelent un artiste a l’habilete unique pour figurer les matieres et ambiances, la lumiere et les lieux. Pourtant, van Gogh s’est battu toute sa vie contre le desinteret de ses contemporains, mais aussi contre des acces de folie devastateurs. Ses episodes de depression et d’angoisse auront finalement raison de sa vie puisqu’il se suicida en 1890, a l’age tout juste de 37 ans. Cette vaste etude de Vincent van Gogh offre le catalogue complet de ses 871 peintures, reunies aux cotes d'ecrits et d’essais, qui retracent la vie et l’?uvre d’un maitre qui domine encore et toujours l’art.

12328 Руб.

Walther Ingo F., Metzger Rainer Chagall. 1887 — 1985. Painting as Poetry

Walther Ingo F., Metzger Rainer Chagall. 1887 — 1985. Painting as Poetry metzger rainer 1920s berlin

The Belarusian painter Marc Chagall is widely regarded as epitomizing the "painter as poet". The worldwide admiration he commanded remains unparalleled by any artist of the century. Chagall's paintings, steeped in mythology and mysticism, portray colourful dreams and tales that are deeply rooted in his Russian Jewish origins. The memories and yearning they evoke recall his native Vitebsk, and the great events that mark the life of ordinary people: birth, love, marriage and death. They tell of a world full of everyday miracles - in the room of lovers, on the streets of Vitebsk, beneath the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Heaven and earth seem to meet in a topsy-turvy world in which whimsical figures of people and animals float through the air with gravity-defying serenity.

1049 Руб.

Doblin Alfred Berlin Alexanderplatz

Doblin Alfred Berlin Alexanderplatz metzger rainer 1920s berlin

The great novel of 1920s Berlin life, in a superb new translation by Michael Hofmann Franz Biberkopf is back on the streets of Berlin. Determined to go straight after a stint in prison, he finds himself thwarted by an unpredictable external agency that looks an awful lot like fate. Cheated, humiliated, thrown from a moving car; embroiled in an underworld of pimps, thugs, drunks and prostitutes, Franz picks himself up over and over again - until one day he is struck a monstrous blow which might just prove his final downfall. A dazzling collage of newspaper reports, Biblical stories, drinking songs and urban slang, Berlin Alexanderplatz is the great novel of Berlin life: inventing, styling and recreating the city as reality and dream; mimicking its movements and rhythms; immortalizing its pubs, abattoirs, apartments and chaotic streets. From the gutter to the stars, this is the whole picture of the city. Berlin Alexanderplatz brought fame in 1929 to its author Alfred Doblin, until then an impecunious writer and doctor in a working-class neighbourhood in the east of Berlin. Success at home was short-lived, however; Doblin, a Jew, left Germany the day after the Reichstag Fire in 1933, and did not return until 1945. This landmark translation by Michael Hofmann is the first to do justice to Berlin Alexanderplatz in English, brilliantly capturing the energy, prodigality and inventiveness of Doblin's masterpiece.

2384 Руб.

Виниловая пластинка Gilels, Emil, Schubert: Piano Quintet In A Major D. 667 (Original Source) (0028948656073)

Виниловая пластинка Gilels, Emil, Schubert: Piano Quintet In A Major D. 667 (Original Source) (0028948656073) metzger rainer 1920s berlin
Бренд: Deutsche Grammophon

Купить виниловую пластинку Emil Gilels & Rainer Zep / Schubert: Piano Quintet In a Major, D. 667 Trout (The Original Source) (1LP) - это возможность окунуться в великолепие мировой музыки и насладиться оригинальной записью знаменитого произведения Франца Шуберта. Emil Gilels & Rainer Zep / Schubert: Piano Quintet In a Major, D. 667 Trout (The Original Source) (1LP) - это альбом, который позволит вам испытать всю магию и глубину этого классического произведения. Запись выполнена известными музыкантами Emil Gilels и Rainer Zep, которые передали всю эмоциональную силу и виртуозность музыкальной композиции. Купить виниловую пластинку Emil Gilels & Rainer Zep / Schubert: Piano Quintet In a Major, D. 667 Trout (The Original Source) (1LP) - это возможность создать атмосферу уюта и насладиться прекрасными звуками фортепиано и струнных инструментов. Не упустите возможность приобрести виниловую пластинку Emil Gilels & Rainer Zep / Schubert: Piano Quintet In a Major, D. 667 Trout (The Original Source) (1LP) и погрузиться в мир классической музыки, который оживает в этой замечательной записи. Данный альбом порадует всех, кто ценит красоту музыкального искусства и ищет источник вдохновения.

7930 Руб.

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